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Thursday, March 27, 2008

~teiresias the seer~

This is my first encounter with the character of Teiresias, the blind prophet with the ability to tell the future. I was surprised to know that this supporting character in Oedipus Rex has been widely known and discussed because of his history. He is often seen and told in ancient Greek Mythologies and the cause of his blindness is quite a mystery. In a story he was blinded by the goddess Athena because he has accidently stumbled into Athena while she is taking a bath. Athena, feeling sorry for him, had gifted him with the ability to understand the birds’ songs and foresee the future. His gift has landed him with the title the blind seeing prophet who is so important in the progressing of the story by Sophocles, Oedipus Rex. His disability to see but sightful in knowing has somehow help to solve the mystery of the breaking disastrous plague in Thebes. I am truly impressed by Teiresias capability because he is certainly not an ordinary human being. He is the medium or the middle of God and human. He is also blinded but he can see the truth. He has experience the lives of becoming a man and a woman (after being turned by the goddess Hera as a woman for 7 years). In short, Teiresias is a character like no other, full of surprises but his appearance has left a great impact in the terms of dramatic irony.

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